Wednesday, March 11, 2015

turtle Droid

For this project I am making a little droid/robot for a little programming exercise.  The end goal will have my droid go against several other peoples droids in a free for all battle.  This programming isn’t a simple first or third person game, but more of a program to win set up.  To explain, every person must make their own little droid, we can make it look as we please, however it must meet certain criteria.  It must be able to fit in a cube hitbox, it must be able to move forward, back, left and right and even turn.  It must have some sort of shooting weapon and a way for it to grab/pick up objects.  Style and how the droid shoots are up to us, but the group will be going over way stop keep everything balanced, such as a low damage weapon with high fire rate or a high damage weapon that can only shoot one shot at a time with a fairly long reload time.  My droid i decided to shape like a turtle and attach a rail gun like weapon to its back, so mine will be high damage low fire rate.  Now how the competition goes is that everything that our droid does must be programmed without needing any further assistance from a user, this meaning when the game starts the droid is on its own and hopeful how it was programmed will cause it to be able to win on its own.  Everyone will have the same base of coding and it will be altered based on their weapon, droid, and any ideas that one may think of to help give their droid an edge to win, without it being an unfair advantage, such as flying or burrowing.

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